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Tips for Saving Samsung Craft Battery Power

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Tips for Saving Samsung Craft Battery Power Empty Tips for Saving Samsung Craft Battery Power

Post  Admin Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:15 am

The battery power consumption depends the following factors: network configuration, signal strength, operating temperature, features selected, frequency of calls and other application usage patterns. For Samsung Craft owners, we made a tutorial on how to save Samsung Craft’s battery power. If you need this tip, follow us!

1. Turn off Wi-Fi.
2. Turn off Bluetooth.
3. Turn off 3G network
4. Minimise the use of third-party applications.
5. Charge your Samsung Craft often.
6. Set the Samsung Craft display brightness lower.
7. Use Auto Screen Lock, so your Samsung Craft can automatically lock its touch screen when the Backlight goes out.
8. Select Power Saving Mode.

Try all of these, you will enjoy a longer battery life!

Tips for Saving Samsung Craft Battery Power Craft10

via NewSamsungPhones

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