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Tips for extending your Samsung EPIC 4G battery life

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Tips for extending your Samsung EPIC 4G battery life Empty Tips for extending your Samsung EPIC 4G battery life

Post  Admin Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:42 pm

Your Samsung EPIC 4G’s battery performance is bad? Try the followings to improve your phone’s battery life.
1. Lower your Samsung EPIC 4G’s display brightness, the lower the better.
2. Use built-in task monitor to make sure you don’t have any unnecessary applications open.
3. Turn off Wi-Fi when not in use.
4. Turn off Bluetooth when not in use.
5. Use auto-lock feature.
6. Keep GPS usage to a minimum.
7. Charge responsibly, don’t charge your phone overnight.
Try these, you will surely enjoy a better battery performance on your Samsung EPIC 4G!

If you need an extended battery that rated at 2500mAh please contact Sunpow

Tips for extending your Samsung EPIC 4G battery life Samsun11

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