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Tips for extending Samsung Wave 525/533 GSM Phones Battery Life

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Tips for extending Samsung Wave 525/533 GSM Phones Battery Life Empty Tips for extending Samsung Wave 525/533 GSM Phones Battery Life

Post  Admin Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:47 pm

As we all know, Samsung Wave 525, Samsung Wave 533 cell phones, aka Samsung S5250, Samsung Wave S5330, these GSM cell phone are equipped with a 1200 mAh Li-Ion battery. It’s said if the users use the Samsung Wave 525/533 less intensively, they can expect them to be up and running for 2-3 days! Quite impressive.

For all Samsung Wave 525/533 users, we’d like to share a useful tip—the ways to improve Samsung Wave 525/533 GSM Phones’ Battery Life, let’s check.

- Keep calls short.
- Switch off the vibrate function on your Samsung Wave 525/533 GSM Phone.
- Turn off Bluetooth.
- Turn off WIFI, GPS when unnecessary.
- Use GSM, cause using your Samsung Wave 525/533 in 3G / Dual Mode will drain the battery quicker than if you just use GSM mode!
- Turn off your Samsung Wave 525/533 back light.
- Turn down the brightness of your Samsung Wave 525/533.
- Switch on the auto-lock feature.
- Turn off the sound effects.
- Recharge the battery after long periods of non-use to maximize battery life.

Try all of these, you will enjoy a better battery performance from your Samsung Wave 525/533! If you like these tips, tell us!

Tips for extending Samsung Wave 525/533 GSM Phones Battery Life Batter10


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