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How to save battery life on Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830

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How to save battery life on Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830 Empty How to save battery life on Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830

Post  Admin Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:23 pm

We noticed that Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830 users said the battery life was very short on their cellphones, it can only last one day. They are troubled by this issue when they use Samsung Galaxy Ace, because they may miss some important calls if their devices power off. So here I give you the way to save battery life on your mobile phone.

To extend battery life on Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830, turn off your Bluetooth when you’re not using it. As we know, Bluetooth is a wireless connection that can receive and transmit information, but to do this it consumes battery power. Your Samsung Galaxy Ace display is set to full brightness at first start up this can put a strain on your battery. However, you can reduce the screen brightness and the screen timeout.-Samsung phones questions

When you don’t use the web, download or video call on Samsung Galaxy Ace, turn off 3G to save battery life. Another feature that can affect your battery life is WiFi, make sure this is switched off when its not in use. I think these intructions will help you to extend battery life on your Samsung S5830.

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