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10 Ways To Improve Battery Life of Your iPhone 4S

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 10 Ways To Improve Battery Life of Your iPhone 4S Empty 10 Ways To Improve Battery Life of Your iPhone 4S

Post  Admin Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:20 pm

1.Turn off location services in Settings>Location Services and switch it to off for apps where location services aren’t important. Having all your apps use GPS will quickly drain your battery.

2.Turn off Wi-Fi when you aren’t using it in Settings>Wi-Fi and switch it to off.
3.Make sure Bluetooth is off in Settings>General>Bluetooth.
4.Turn off push data in Settings>Mail, Contacts, and Calendars>Fetch New Data>and turn off push. Fetching data at longer intervals will give you some extra battery life. Even more so if you do it manually. Some apps, such as Facebook, have push notification settings in Setting>[Facebook]. The brackets indicate the app name,
5.Turn off vibration in Settings>Sounds and switch Vibrate to off. This is more important if you get a lot of alerts throughout the day and don’t need your phone on silent.
6.Turn on Auto-Brightness in Settings>Brightness and switch Auto-Brightness to on.
7.Keep Auto-Lock at 1 minute in Settings>General>Auto-Lock and select 1 Minute. This will turn off the screen if you forget to lock your phone.
8.Turn off Cellular Data in Settings>General>Network and switch Cellular Data to off.
9.Turn the Equalizer off in Settings>Music>EQ and selecting off.
10.Restore your phone in iTunes.


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