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Callaway upro mx

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Callaway upro mx Empty Callaway upro mx

Post  Admin Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:15 am

Callaway has just announced its next generation golf GPS device, with the Callaway upro mx spearheading the challenge this time around. This will be the successor to the original upro, where it till bring to the greens a full-color Multi-Gesture Touch Screen and a precise Optical Finger Navigation system, letting golfers navigate the deep feature set easily with but a single swipe of a finger. It will also come pre-loaded with over 25,000 courses from the company’s global database, where you can use the upro mx right out of the box. The Callaway upro mx also boasts of being the only dedicated golf GPS system on the market which will deliver high resolution actual aerial photography for individual golf courses, now how about that? It will arrive in the markets later this May for $199, and to help ease your financial burden, the upro mx will not come with any annual fees for you to use it.

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