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Set Speed Dial on Samsung Transform

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Set Speed Dial on Samsung Transform Empty Set Speed Dial on Samsung Transform

Post  Admin Sat Jan 22, 2011 7:16 am

Someone is asking how to set Speed Dial associated to one of the 9 numeric keys on Samsung Transform, she only see the favorite (star) option but she doesn’t like that.

While, the fact is, we sorryly tell you, before you use Speed Dial on your Samsung Transform, you need to add the desired contacts to your Favorites list first! Please follow our tutorial on this point below.

Set Speed Dial on Samsung Transform

Step 1. Add the contacts you want to set as Speed Dial to your favorite Contacts.

Step 2. Tap Contacts.

Step 3. Select the desired contact.

Step 4. Tap the star next to the desired contact’s name.

Step 5. To return to the Home screen, press the Home key.


Step 1. Press the Home Key then Tap Phone.

Step 2. Tap Favorites.

Step 3. Scroll through the list and tap the contact.

Step 4. Long press to place a Call or Send Message to send a text to the contact.

Via NewSamsungPhone

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