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Canon XA10 use BP-800 series battery

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Canon XA10 use BP-800 series battery Empty Canon XA10 use BP-800 series battery

Post  Admin Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:10 am

The new Canon XA10 camcorder is the smallest and lightest full-featured professional camcorder ever produced by Canon.
Canon XA10 use BP-800 series battery Xa1010
The XA10 follows the new X concept of camcorder design introduced with the XF Series of camcorders of providing professionals with uncompromising quality and features in an ergonomic and efficient design. From the ground up the XA10 has been engineered with the professional in mind matching professional features with unsurpassed usability while staying true to the design goal of maximizing mobility.

The XA10 uses BP-800 Series batteries intelligent lithium batteries (BP-808, BP-819 and long-life BP-827) that can determine remaining power and battery wear and report it back to the camera, taking the guesswork out of battery management. These batteries allow the user to see the remaining charge in the battery in one-minute increments while in the camera. Never again will users be caught off guard with needing to change the battery at an inopportune time.

Canon XA10 use BP-800 series battery Bp-82710

Sunpow Innovative Power Solutions


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