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The teardown of Insta360 ONE X2 indicates hard battery replacement

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The teardown of Insta360 ONE X2 indicates hard battery replacement Empty The teardown of Insta360 ONE X2 indicates hard battery replacement

Post  Admin Mon Aug 24, 2020 8:10 pm

Insta360 ONE X2 is just FCC listed. The teardown photos indicates that it is very hard to replace its internal battery.

The external photo of Insta360 ONE X2
The teardown of Insta360 ONE X2 indicates hard battery replacement 0?e=1601510400&v=beta&t=8U6lGNZ9we8WJ7zN7leY4Me6s48vTkVovoN68TtpIHY

Remove back cover
The teardown of Insta360 ONE X2 indicates hard battery replacement 0?e=1601510400&v=beta&t=4OHpIIb-3XZbKDK3qnGNFCvbYzq-P5IIlo1yPrll1uU

Remove internal cover
The teardown of Insta360 ONE X2 indicates hard battery replacement 0?e=1601510400&v=beta&t=m9G9TN9zJy1xUkf1u_GO-iaTWAA4cCKhCeLeXPSKgpA

Remove motherboard
The teardown of Insta360 ONE X2 indicates hard battery replacement 0?e=1601510400&v=beta&t=nv4ODDJ89dvaDgHDK4Tlqf46G7CfYqEEtLd6sV2TFZw

The photo for all components of Insta360 ONE X2
The teardown of Insta360 ONE X2 indicates hard battery replacement 0?e=1601510400&v=beta&t=yJNfr4J11ws42YArfRoeTh09SwoumX4QozFZt-Rv_IU

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The teardown of Insta360 ONE X2 indicates hard battery replacement 0?e=1600905600&v=beta&t=1Bd7xRBjTq-5ntlrYMMaq3z7ZgPbhdrLnDUmvgyJu8s

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