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Guide for replacing Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Battery

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Guide for replacing Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Battery Empty Guide for replacing Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Battery

Post  Admin Sun Aug 23, 2020 7:50 pm

Remove the four Tri-Point Y00 screws from the back panel of the Joy-Con.

Guide for replacing Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Battery 3Bvx41PUKLSvBBWd

Insert an opening pick into the seam at the bottom edge of the controller (opposite the L and ZL buttons).
Guide for replacing Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Battery JeFnTOukwhPVEJc5

Slowly slide the flat edge of your opening pick up the side of the Joy-Con.
Guide for replacing Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Battery JWNd3b5g6FTqCsZC

With the charging rail facing away from you, open the the Joy-Con like a book.
Guide for replacing Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Battery Mmee2RMhPHOpquMA

Don’t try to fully remove the back panel yet. There are still two cables connecting the charging rail to the motherboard.
Guide for replacing Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Battery ACVGtmScSy5LndpA

Use a spudger to gently pry the battery connector straight up from its socket on the motherboard. This will keep the Joy-Con from powering on during the repair.
Guide for replacing Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Battery BOFJfsG3ZfMYEWRn

Insert an opening pick between the battery and the Joy-Con housing.
Guide for replacing Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Battery 6cTHHygYU6cOTdCa

Gently pry out the battery, which is lightly taped in place.
Guide for replacing Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Battery OSwESqQBxCK6DaET

Be careful not to deform or puncture the battery—it can catch fire or explode if damaged.
Guide for replacing Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Battery 3oaAkL6JKc161WPO

Install the new battery
Guide for replacing Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Battery 0?e=1600905600&v=beta&t=T4u_h981mvmKneKtnK1XadsDGHvDm0HmqOWliNMQ1G8

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