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To repair Redmi K80's battery cost USD16 and USD22 for Redmi K80 Pro

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 To repair Redmi K80's battery cost USD16 and USD22 for  Redmi K80 Pro Empty To repair Redmi K80's battery cost USD16 and USD22 for Redmi K80 Pro

Post  Admin Sat Nov 30, 2024 4:06 pm

Redmi K80 series, launched on November 27th, has quickly gained attention for its impressive specs and affordable pricing. To help users budget for potential repairs, Xiaomi has now officially announced the pricing of replacement parts for both the standard K80 and the Pro model. To repair Redmi K80's battery costs USD16 and USD22 for Redmi K80 Pro. Now let's check the details of repair cost.

1. Redmi K80 Spare Parts Pricing
 To repair Redmi K80's battery cost USD16 and USD22 for  Redmi K80 Pro 119

2. Redmi K80 Pro Spare Parts Pricing
 To repair Redmi K80's battery cost USD16 and USD22 for  Redmi K80 Pro 212

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